November 25

Field Trip Tomorrow

We will be going on our field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry tomorrow. We will be gone from Bell 9:15 am – 2:00 pm.

Please make sure your 4th grader:

– wears their blue tie-dye t-shirt

– brings a light jacket or sweatshirt to wear (There is not somewhere to store jackets, and they will have to carry whatever they wear for the whole day.)

– packs a DISPOSABLE lunch and SEPARATE disposable snack. (Lunches will be collected when we arrive at the museum and we will not be eating until 1:00 pm. This is significantly later than the kids are used to, so we are strongly encouraging all students to bring a snack separate from their lunch that can easily be carried around and eaten before our assigned lunch time. No nuts.)

November 21

Tie Dye

Tie Dye shirts came home with your 4th grader this evening. Instructions for how to wash and finish the shirts are inside the bag with the t-shirt. I have attached the same instructions here for your use. We will wear our shirts next Tuesday for the field trip, so please make sure to have them ready then!


November 13

Report Card Pick Up

I’m looking forward to seeing you today for first quarter’s Report Card Pick-Up. The 10 minute meetings do go very quickly and I do my very best to stick to the schedule. I ask for your help in being courteous to other peoples’ appointments. If there is anything you would like to discuss beyond our time today, we can always set up a follow up meeting. Thank you for your help!

November 8

Rescheduled Tie-Dye Day

November 21-Tie Dye Day (rescheduled)

Thank you to all who signed up originally to help out with this activity. We have rescheduled the date and time for these activities.  Please use the following links to sign up:
Help get the shirts ready by wringing them out:
7:30 am-8:15 am 
Help the students put the dye on the shirts:
 9:15 am – 10:30 am 
November 6

Book Reports

Quarter 1 book report projects, originally due on Tuesday 11/12, will be accepted until Friday 11/15. While assigned simultaneously, the geography and reading projects were never intended to be due so close to “back to back”. I have already received a number of book reports for this quarter, but based on the number of students who seemed to need extensions for the geography project I wanted to offer a bit more work time here as well. The two weeks we lost are typically crucial times for me to meet one-on-one with students to help plan and execute their projects. I made sure that by today, I have met with every student to discuss their projects, and even have some follow up meetings scheduled for the next couple days. With Friday, Monday, and Wednesday being days of non-attendance for your 4th grader, I am highly encouraging them to plan ahead and use this time wisely. I will continue to hold “book report meetings” everyday until the day projects are due.

November 1

We’re Back!

It was so great being back in school today with everyone. We took some time to go over logistics and questions, but really focused on being together and having some Halloween fun. Friday Folders are coming home this evening. There are no markings or notes, please just empty, sign, and return to school on Monday.

While a few students were ready to turn in social studies projects, it seems like most groups need more time to finish their work. All assignments for the Geography of the Western Hemisphere project will  be due on Wednesday. We had our last time for in-class work on the projects today.

The 4th grade team is currently working on rescheduling times and volunteers for our tie-dye activities.

If you sent any emails during the strike, they will have bounced back and I did not receive them. Please make sure to resend any important communications including volunteer clearance approvals. We are up to 2 Level 1 cleared volunteers with hopefully more approvals quickly on the way!!